Chelsea Factory

Chelsea Factory
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水曜日, 8月 06, 2014

Fare Thee Well, Frank



そのランパード、アメリカのメジャーサッカーリーグ、New York Cityに移籍したと思ったら、NYCはManCityノ子会社とかで、米国が開幕する3月までManCityにレンタルされるとか。 変な気分もするが、まあ、あんまり出番もないだろうけれど、活躍して出番がたくさんあればそれはそれでめでたいことで、近くで見守ることができていいかなあという気もします。

2点目のゴール、I was there!

以下は、Daily Mailに記載された、Frank Lampardからファンに宛てたOpen Letterです。 アブラモビッチへの感謝より、昨今はChelsea内で意図的に名前が避けられている、ケン・ベイツへの感謝が先に述べられていること(時系列的には当然なのですが)、モリーニョの名前が特別には述べられていないことなどが、少し憶測を呼びました。 

'This club has become part of my life and I have so many people to thank for the opportunity. Firstly, Ken Bates, who put his neck on the line to sign me as a young player and without him I would not have even begun this experience.
'When I arrived at this fantastic club 13 years ago I would never have believed that I would be fortunate enough to play so many games and enjoy sharing in so much success.
'Roman Abramovich, the man who saved our Club and took us all to new levels. His desire to push the Club to the top of the football world has rubbed off on everyone.
'All the managers and coaches who have helped me develop my game during the time I have been here. I have learnt from every one of them.
'All the brilliant team mates who I have been lucky enough to train and play alongside for so long. Not just their football qualities but also the friendships I have gained along the way.
( このクラブ、チェルシー、は私の人生の一部となりました、この幸運をもたらしてくれたとても多くの方たちに感謝しています。 まず最初はケン・ベイツで、まだまだチンピラだった私とサインすると言うリスクを取ってくれました。彼がいなかったら私のこの旅が始まることはなかったのです。
ローマン・アブラモヴィッチは私たちのクラブを救い、私達みんなを新しいレベルへと引き上げてくれました。 このクラブをフットボール界の頂点へ押し上げたいという彼の願いが全ての人を動かしたのです。
全ての素晴らしいチームメイト、長い間一緒に練習し、プレイすることが出来とてもラッキーでした。 単にサッカーの技術だけではなく、その過程で素晴らしい友情を得ました。)

'I'd also like to give a special mention to all the staff and people behind the scenes at the club who do not receive the glory but without them the Club would simply not function.
'The club will move forward, and as a Chelsea man I have no doubt that with the quality of the players that are there, they will continue with the success that we have all enjoyed over the past seasons.
'Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank the Chelsea fans. I believe they are the greatest fans in world football. You have supported me from the moment I arrived. Not only on the pitch, but in difficult moments in my personal life off the pitch. I will never forget.
'I feel honoured to have shared so many special times with you. Bolton, Amsterdam, Munich, the list goes on and on. I, and we as a team, could not have achieved those moments without your support.

'Whatever the next challenge is for me I will always be amongst you and have Chelsea in my home and in my heart. Hopefully I will get to see you all soon to say goodbye properly. In the meantime thank you for the memories and keep making history!'

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